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EVO VAR Mixvent Series – TD-EVO-150VAR

EVO VAR Mixvent Series

Performance Curve - TD-EVO-150VAR


The TD EVO VAR in-line fan has been designed to provide highly efficient, mixed-flow performance with low energy consumption for domestic and commercial applications. It takes advantage of an integrated variable speed controller that can be adjusted locally on the fan, or remotely via a 0-10V or 4-20mA analogue input signal.

The TD EVO VAR also comes standard with an on-board, adjustable 1 to 30 minute run-on-timer that allows steam and odour to be exhausted after leaving the room.

There are 6 models in the range matching standard duct sizes from 100 to 315mm diameter.

  • l Speed controllable via on-board potentiometer or external
  • 0-10V or 4-20mA signal
  • Optimised impeller, guide vanes, and outlet diffuser for low
  • noise operation
  • Main fan body is easily removed without dismantling ducting
  • Highly efficient single-phase AC motor
  • Fan can be mounted in any position
  • Junction box can be rotated to any position
  • Integrated run-on-timer (0, 1, 5,15 and 30 minutes)
Casings manufactured from reinforced, injection moulded, polypropylene plastic. Impellers are made of injection moulded plastic and are a mixed-flow design.
Type – Single-speed, squirrel cage induction motor
Electricity supply – 220-240V,
single-phase, 50/60Hz
Bearings - sealed for life, ball
Integrated variable speed controller that can be adjusted locally on the fan, or remotely via a 0-10V or 4-20mA analogue input signal On-board, adjustable 1 to 30 minute run-on-timer
Class F Insulation, IP44
Internal Thermal Protection
Manual-reset thermal overload protection device in accordance with mandatory requirements for in-duct fans AS/NZS60335-2-80:2016.
Air flow tested to ISO5801:Part1, 1997
Noise tested to ISO 13347-3 2004

Suggested Specification

The In-line fans shall be of the TD EVO VAR Series as supplied by Fantech Pty. Ltd.
Impellers shall be of mixed-flow design and driven by single-phase motors with thermal overload protection.
Fans shall include integrated variable speed controller that can be adjusted locally on the fan, or remotely via a 0-10V or 4-20mA analogue input signal. It will come standard with an on-board, adjustable 1 to 30 minute run-on-timer.
They shall include an integral mounting foot and the fan body able to be removed without disturbing connecting ductwork. All models shall be fully tested to ISO5801: Part1, 1997 for air flow and ISO 13347-3 2004 for noise.

Technical Data - TD-EVO-150VAR

Speed [rps]Avg. dBA @ 3mkWatts (Input)Amps Max.°C Approx. Weight [kg]

Sound Data

Inlet6152 605960 605343
Outlet5852 606062 595343
Breakout6145 454047 493829



*All dimensions in mm, unless otherwise stated


Circular Attenuator