Marketplace central to Pakenham growth
August 1, 2011  |  share:

As one of five growth areas designated by the Victorian Government under the Melbourne 2030 policy, Pakenham will benefit from a new 20,000 square-metre retail development.

The Cardinia shire is reported to be growing by an average of five families a day and is in urgent need of modern retail facilities. Located on a 2.9 hectare parcel of land, Pakenham Central Marketplace will fulfill this role, providing a Woolworths supermarket, Big W, Dick Smith and Planet Surf stores as well as a range of fashion, general merchandise and fresh food outlets.

The Hacer Group won the contract to construct the complex with Corbritt Air-conditioning providing the mechanical services.

Site Foreman Steve Devine said two double width, double inlet, aerofoil centrifugal fans had been designed into the carpark ventilation system. “However installation of the second fan was certainly a challenge, as it had to be brought in through the carpark entrance. Weighing almost 3.5 tonne, and with a height of over 3 metres, we were left with only millimetres to spare as we fitted the fan into position,” he said.

Made by The Fan and Blower Company of Australia (FBA), the two fans act as a primary exhaust for the 1100 space underground carpark. Here eight strategically placed JetVent impulse fans mix the fresh air in the car park and thrust contaminated air towards the FBA fans for exhaust.

Fantech Victorian Project Manager Phil Nevill said it was an energy efficient system where carbon dioxide sensors monitored and controlled the speed of the JetVent system and the primary fans. “Each of the FBA fans is fitted with a 45kW motor and has a capacity of up to 55,000 litres a second, but its speed runs according to the demand in the carpark. This provides considerable power savings without compromising the quality of air within the carpark,” he said.

FBA specialise in the design and manufacture of centrifugal fans and industrial blowers. The company has an established marketing arrangement with Fantech to distribute their HVAC products. This means companies like Corbritt Air Conditioning can source a mix of smoke spill and general exhaust fans as well as specialised impulse and centrifugal fans from the one supplier.

The Pakenham Central Marketplace is expected to be open in time for Christmas shopping.