Products Fan Controllers Speed Controller
Speed Controller

SRS Reversing Switch

The SRS reversing switch is specifically for use with the HV-230AE and HV-300AE single-phase Stylvent window fans. It can only control one fan at a time.

SSC Silent speed controllers
Single-phase motors only

The SSC silent speed controllers have been developed to overcome the electronic hum, which can be experienced when using electronic speed controllers with single-phase motors. They provide two speeds, full speed and between 50-70% of full speed and can on

TSS1-15 2-Speed Switch

Designed to suit the Mixvent range of fans.

SD1-S star/delta switch.
Three-phase 2-speed star/delta motors only

The SD1-S star/delta switch is designed for use with three-phase star/delta motors. It provides a speed change of approximately 1.3:1. This unit does not provide any protection for the motor.

Variable Speed Drives

VSDs vary the speed of motors by varying the frequency of supply to the motor. They can be supplied for single or three-phase motors.

ZOO Fan EC Controller

VA.. Electronic speed-controller
Single-phase motors only

The VA range is an electronic type speed controller providing infinite control of speed-controllable single-phase motors. They can be used to control more than one fan at a time from full speed down to approximately 30% of full speed.

AVA Stepless speed controller
Single-phase motors only

The AVA5.0 controller will vary the speed of single phase motors in response to DC input signals.Metal enclosure.

TC3 5-step auto-transformer speed-controllers
Three-phase motors only

The TC3 range of auto-transformer speed-controllers are of a 5-step design and vary the speed from 100% down to approximately 30% of full speed.

DSS1-16 3-Speed Switch

Designed to remotely switch the Ezifit In-Wall Exhaust Fan between high, medium and low speed.


Computer server rooms, switch rooms and commercial kitchens where the accumulation of hot air needs to be extracted.

HVLS Touch Screen Controller

Designed to manage a mini-network of Gorilla X high volume, low speed EC fans. 9cm LCD touchscreen display with plastic enclosure

EC Speed Controllers

The EC Speed controller is specially developed for stepless speed adjustment of EC fans that accept a 0-10V control signal.